This could very well be something that changes your life forever. Depending on where you are in your life reading this, where you want to get, and what your fuel is… I promise to give you my very best, in order for you to get there. It’s a big promise, but I see it in the mirror every day, and I know it is possible. Having said that, Einstein was right when he said: “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” We have to respect that, but it doesn’t mean we have to bow down and surrender to all the “stuff” life sends our way.

There is a story about twin brothers and their father, who was an alcoholic. When they grew up, one one of them was an alcoholic, while the other was an educated entrepreneur. The first son became an alcoholic because he thought that didn’t have a choice since his father was also an alcoholic. When they asked the other one, he replied how he watched his father got drunk and he promised himself never to be like that. It is not what happens to you, it is how you react! I don’t know if you have an alcoholic in your family, but I hope that you can relate to this story at least on some level.

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
–Albert Einstein

Today I am asking you to make a promise to yourself. Promise to yourself that you will learn and grow, provide value to the marketplace and be the change you want to see in the world. I am asking this because I made that same promise to myself. I really believe that if everybody cleaned up in front of their house, we would have a clean world.

What is this about?

I want to teach you something. I can’t go out and say what it is I want to teach you because I am afraid you have misconceptions due to all the junk that’s posted on the Internet. So we need to be patient and take it slow. As you can see so far in this text, I love a good quote, so here’s another one.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

–Chinese proverb

What a great quote. After being an entrepreneur for so long (bootstrapped, and venture funded) I can without a doubt say this is one of the most powerful quotes you can find. If you understand it and live by it. This is why I want to teach you something. Why is teaching someone “how to fish” important? Well, back in 2013, 767 million people lived on less than $1.90 a day. To me, that is just staggering. This number is getting better, but it is happening only thanks to hard work and great mentors.

I am not saying I can help someone living on less than $2 a day but I am willing to help someone! Wouldn’t it be great if this starts a ripple effect? Then again, ask yourself this. If someone started sending you $100 every month would you oppose this? Bottom line, I want to do what I can and do it the best I can. If you are still reading, then it means you didn’t close this tab and this makes sense to you! So I want to thank you for the opportunity, I am excited!

I will teach you how to make $100 / month with a website, for FREE

After reading the above heading you probably have a lot of questions, so I am again asking you to be patient. Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. Let me dissect the above sentence, and hopefully, that will make it clear to you.

I will teach…

I believe that I have the ability to teach and guide you because in the past I had guest lectures at:

  • Science and technology park in Rijeka
  • Startup incubator in Rijeka
  • College for Electrical Engineering in Ljubljana
  • College for Tourism management in Ika
  • Several startup bootcamps, including Seedcamp
  • other

Please note that I am not saying this to boost my ego, I am saying this so that you can trust me, and in the process of me teaching you something. This is not my first show, as they say in Vegas. I will give you the lecture, materials, tools so that you can build a website that’s making at least $100 / month for at least 3 consecutive months.

So what exactly will I be teaching you, and do I have experience there? Once upon a time back in 1998 was the first time I asked for a backlink. Even before that, I was doing “outreach” on ICQ for my website

  • Entrepreneur (>10 years)
  • Making money strictly online (>7 years)
  • An international team, working from anywhere in the world (>4 years)
  • Doing SEO (>10 years)
  • Hosting websites and doing everything with domain names (>10 years)
  • Doing various types of online marketing (>10 years)
  • Working anything and everything with WordPress (>10 years)
  • So on and so on…

3 Months in Mountain View, California, 1 month in Alicante, Spain and 4 months in Belgrade, Serbia


Digital nomad lifestyle

Before all that I was just a high-school dropout, living in a small village in Croatia. You could say I’ve come a long way. If you are also willing to put in the hours, I am offering to help you start your online journey. If you like the thought of working from home or anywhere in the world, apply at the bottom or by clicking here. Do you like the thought of choosing your working hours? Apply. Are you a hard worker, and willing to listen and learn? Apply. Do you have this one thing you just love, or a hobby you immerse into? Great!


Do you have to travel the world? No, you don’t. Do you have to work from home? No, you don’t. Do you have to spend more time on the beach? No, you don’t. But you have to admit, it’s very, very nice to have that choice. After all, this is about you, not about me. The collage above are photos from places where I lived more than 1 month. I am originally from Rijeka, Croatia, but as you can see, I sampled living in other countries. My fiancee also has several online businesses, so we are able to travel together.

I am not promising quick and easy money. I am not going to say, click on these three things, and money will start pouring in. You have to want it. You have to have a great reason! The better you know yourself, the better chances you have of success. It is going to be hard. People won’t answer your emails. People won’t share your infographic. Google will change their algorithm and cut your traffic in half. Criminals will steal your listing on Amazon. A criminal will scam you with selling a fake website. Ad network will ban your account. Your freelancer will stop replying to your messages. It goes on, and on, and on. I can help you prevent some of these, and show you the way, but you have to walk through it. You have to do the work. Can you?

…How to make…

I will, without a doubt, teach you how to make money online. There are many routes we can take, so let’s list a few:

  1. AdSense, Ad networks
  2. Banner ads, sponsored listings, sponsored articles
  3. Affiliate marketing

We will only work with legitimate products and companies. This is not a pyramid scheme. You do not have to pay me, or anyone else “an entry fee”. This is not a “crypto” play, or an “AI” play or “Forex” thing. I will show you what millions of people are doing, and how some are even able to earn millions! We can take one of these three routes, or all of them. Aside from the ones I listed here, there are other great ways where you can make money online (like Amazon FBA, drop shipping, etc). In those cases, I haven’t made more than $1000 in profit, so I don’t feel comfortable teaching you. In the ones I mention, I made well over $1000, and I believe I can replicate at least $100 / month with anybody.

…$100 / month…

Speaking of $1000, let’s talk about that part of the sentence. Promising a $100 / month online isn’t the ceiling. I put that number just because we have to start somewhere and we have to end somewhere. Once you get $100 for three months in a row, the 1 on 1 coaching will end. From there you will have a formula on how to multiply your steps, and reach new heights. Even $1000 / month. But I can’t promise you that since it will be in your hands.

Besides, $100 / month should put you above the poverty level, or at least help with the rent depending on where you live. For example, if you are unemployed, I know how much $100 / month can make a difference.

…With a website…

Why with a website? It’s basically another way of saying “making money online” but there are so many misconceptions about making money online, that it’s ridiculous. Clicking on ads, filling out surveys and trading forex also qualifies as “making money online”. Yeah… No… I am talking about straight up, “My website is making me money” and “I can be wherever I want to be” and “I can work whenever I want to work” and “this topic I am working on, I love it” and “This is NOT a pyramid scheme“. Do you love dogs? Great opportunity there. Do you enjoy hiking? Excellent niche with a ton of products! Are you working out 3 times per week? Strong competition, but you can still make that $100 / month. I am not saying these are the right niches, but I am saying there’s something out there waiting for you! Let’s get your website online, and let’s start the process!

…For FREE?

Yes, absolutely free. If you are able to invest any money in this project, it will be invested in your new business venture / website. You won’t have to pay me absolutely anything. However, as a sound business person, you should not invest more than $1000 in a project where you plan to get $100 / month. If you don’t have absolutely any money to invest, that’s perfectly normal, you can still apply at the bottom or by clicking here.

In case you are wondering why am I doing this for free, here are my reasons – full transparency.

  1. Giving back (Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure)
  2. Publicity stunt, promotion for my project Webmaster.Ninja
  3. Spare time, I live what I preach here and I am looking for a new challenge
  4. I am planning on creating a course that everybody will be able to attend for a fee. Doing this coaching for free will help me.
  5. I want to find out if I am passionate about this, or if I should stick to my ordinary routine. Nothing better than providing services for free.
  6. In some cases, I may earn an affiliate commision, but I will disclose this if it happens and present you with alternative

You see, I am not here to make a quick buck. I expect this project to last 6-12 months.

Wow, so much text, but I hope things are clearer now. Let’s make a quick summary.

  1. Making money online is cool because it has certain benefits
  2. Good Guy Goran, the Webmaster.Ninja has some experience, and he is willing to teach
  3. Creating new webmaster.ninjas will help make the web a better place
  4. You should do it because $100 / month online will put you on the path of financial and location independence (digital nomad)
Free 'How to make $100 / month with a website' coaching contest! Share with your connections on Twitter.Click To Tweet

What’s in it for me?

Well, besides getting a ton of knowledge, and keeping the $100 / month website / business, there are TWO other perks. At the end of the project, I will offer you up to $2000 to purchase the website from you. If I was in your shoes, I would decline this offer, but if you want $2000 startup capital and fresh start it could be a great incentive. If you finish the project successfully, and you do end up with a website / business that is making $100 / month you are in a prime position to get a job within my company.

  1. Ton of knowledge
  2. Website / business making $100 / month (hopefully)
  3. Possible $2000 buyout offer
  4. Job interview with our company

How do we proceed?

If you are interested in getting this 1 on 1 coaching with me, you must apply at the bottom or by clicking here. I will be taking only a single person. I have some requirements due to the nature of the process but fear not. These are very low requirements. The promotion of this program and election process will last until 15th September, 2018. Then I will announce this one person I have selected, and we will begin working. Since the goal is 3 months with $100 / month profit, and I am doing this for the very first time I suspect this to last at least 6 to 12 months.

On the other hand, if you can’t build a $100 / month project in 12 months, I will declare failure and jeopardize my reputation. In case the student san decides to quit because they found better things to do I will do my best to prevent this. If this happens I will either find a new student san, or get back to other ventures with tail between my legs.

If you pick me, how will the process look like?

First, we will set some ground rules, and I will establish your level of expertise. Then we will begin with some basics on: personal finance, productivity, entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, management. Then we will pick a niche (industry) where you will work. We will evaluate this based on the demand in the marketplace, and the supply you can create. Our “supply” will then be rewarded with one of the options listed above (AdSense, ads, affiliate, digital product). You will then create a website, content for the website and promote the website. Depending on the niche and your skills, we may have additional options.

This will not be an “I have an idea, help me sell it” type of a course. I am not here to help you “make a dent in the universe”, and find out if people need the great thing you have invented. I am here to help you find the demand and help you create the supply. If your child or spouse is lazy and unemployed, you can’t sign up that person instead of them. The person applying has to apply by themselves! You have to be hungry for success!

If you:

  1. already have a product that’s not selling, this is not for you.
  2. want to try to sell a new product idea you have this is NOT for you! 
  3. JUST need an investment, this is not for you.

If you want:

  1. to learn what might be working and enjoy the process
  2. generate extra income or start a new career
  3. working in an industry you love
  4. follow my guidance

…then this is for you.

During the project, I will have some materials ready, and in some cases, we will jump on a Skype call. As I have mentioned I do have some time, but it is limited, so we will keep this to once per week. You will get access to my private email, and you can reach out whenever you have questions. You will have to work at least 1-2 hours per day (including weekends) and more if you want to reach the goal sooner.

Do I have a chance?

I expect the candidate to speak English and have at least some knowledge with building websites. It will take a long time to get to $100 if I have to teach you how to register a domain name. So, if one candidate has this knowledge, and the other one lacks it, I will pick the one with that knowledge. If someone is making $100 per year with their website, I might pick him because he obviously lacks something to make it to the next level. But if there is a candidate that is not making ANY money with their website, I will probably pick them. You would be surprised how many people have the knowledge of building a website, but still making only modest money or just use it to promote their services.

Ideally, I am looking to create a 0 – $100 / month success story. If you already have a website it doesn’t mean I will pick you, or not. It could be a plus, but if it’s in a niche where I think we can’t get to $100 / month in 6-12 months the website will not help.

Questions? Post them in the comment section.

I know there are some things I haven’t answered, so feel free to post them in the comment section. I’ll do my best to answer them as soon as possible.

Now it’s your turn! Final thoughts.

It’s time to make a decision. A year from now, you could be in this same position, or you could be on your way. Perhaps finally renting a place of your own. Or prove to someone you can also contribute to the household? Or maybe finally visiting Spain and enjoying the mild winter, while working on your second website. Just 6 months of $100 / month can easily pay for the trip if you are flying in from Europe. Enjoying local delicacies and learning a little bit of Spanish. Buena suerte ninja.

Click here to apply for the coaching and enter the dojo.


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