We regret this announcement, but after years of continuous effort, it has come a time to end our SaaS. The website www.webmaster.ninja will remain active.
As of today, we have disabled signups for new users.
As of 31st August 2022, we will stop sending email notifications to all users.
As of 30th September, we will shut down the application.
The few paid clients can ask for a partial refund depending on when they made the payment.
All active paying subscriptions are canceled as of today. You will not be charged in the future.
Thank you for trying our service and for supporting us. This gave us an opportunity to serve you, but the market has spoken.
Q: Why haven’t we emailed everybody this announcement?
A: The last time we tried to email all our users (asking everybody to upgrade because the service was in jeopardy due to lack of funding), we got flagged for spam on multiple occasions, increasing our cost (both time and money) in doing so. Furthermore, nobody upgraded their account after this notification, further fueling the fact that users are not interested in paying for this service.

What we did do, was add the announcement in all the notifications we send. So if you opened at least one, you could see that we are shutting down the service, and find this announcement.
Q: Did Covid, the war in Ukraine, and inflation have anything to do with this?
A: For sure, it didn’t help.
Q: Why are you shutting down?
A: Lack of resources and paying clients.

I’ve been an online entrepreneur for more than a decade. Back in 2011, I sold my first small business. 500 Startups alumni. I love to read and write in every shape or form. Founder of WhoAPI and webmaster.ninja and website investor.