Website for sale in the lifestyle niche
Website was launched in February 2016. It is making money through Google AdSense, and Amazon Affiliate. Since March 2017, to August 2019, the website made $925.
Metrics for this website
We’ve gathered some metrics for you to evaluate, in order to purchase this great website.
Traffic information
Since August 2017, until August 2019 this website had 243,375 unique visitors. 59% of that traffic came from United States. 83% of that traffic came from organic search. 2055 visitors came from a Pinterest account (included in transaction) and 1127 visitors from a Facebook page with 1739 followers (included in transaction). Updated on 18th August 2019.
Domain name stats
Domain name is a two word, exact match domain name with 14 characters on a .com extension. Memorable 18 year old .com domain name, with industry specific keyword (27,000 searches per month) registered since 2001. According to Semrush, there are 612 referring domains. Estibot valuation $200. This is as solid foundation as you can get.
Website stats
The website has 179 published posts and has a solid social media presence (Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter). First post was published on 2015/12/14 and last on 2019/08/07.
Technical stats
This website is very easy to maintain, runs on WordPress and small shared hosting package.
Website is making most of the revenue through Google AdSense and Amazon Associate affiliate program was bringing some revenue in the past, but even with over 100 clicks recently, sales have dried out. Since March 2017, to August 2019, the website made $925.
The only cost involved is a domain name, and a regular shared hosting account.
General questions
Send an email if you couldn’t find an answer to your question here.
What do I get with this purchase?
After you make the payment, you will get the domain name, and all the files that are needed for this website to run. We can help you with the website transfer and the domain name transfer. You will also get all the login info for WordPress, Google Analytics account for this website and access to all social media accounts.
Are there any PBNs or links that will disappear?
We are not linking to this website from our other websites, neither will we remove any backlinks pointing to this website. We do not guarantee that not one backlink will disappear because that’s a part of the normal process if you are not working and improving your website.
Are there any social media accounts?
Yes, there are Facebook, Pinterest, Stumbleupon Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram.
What payment options do you have?
We accept wire transfers to our business account.
Why such high valuation?
Valuations can be discussed in great detail because they are very relative. We believe that the risk reward ratio is fair, and reserve the right to change the price if the market responds negatively.
How much support do I get after the purchase?
We will help you transfer and with the basic setup of managing this website. The purchase does not include coaching or extensive phone advice on how to grow this website.
Will I be charged VAT?
You will not be charged VAT because it is transferred for all the companies inside EU. Buyers from outside EU are not being charged VAT. If for some reason you want to make a purchase as a natural person (not a business) inside EU, you will be charged VAT.
Do I need to have an Google AdSense account?
Yes, in order to continue making money with AdSense program, you need to have an active AdSense account. However, if you do not want to make money with AdSense, but with another program, you can still buy the website and make money on this other network.
Do I get an invoice?
Yes, you will get an invoice for the entire amount you paid, so that you can cover this business expense with accounting.
Who owns and operates this website now?
We are the owners and operators of this website. This is not coming from a third party seller.
Will you sign a non compete agreement?
Since this is a small deal, we think it doesn’t make sense to involve lawyers and therefor respectfully decline to do a non-compete agreement. However, we do agree not to build or sell a site competing website within 24 months of the sale.
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